Setup Oracle credentials with Onepoint

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This article's assumption is that you correctly installed Onepoint through this link or this link.

Install Dependencies

On Onepoint servers, you need install some dependencies

 ]# yum install python-devel libaio

Install Oracle Instant Client

From Oracle website (link below), download Oracle Instant Client RPM package. If you want, you can also install Oracle SQL*Plus optional package, for testing purposes.

 ]# yum localinstall oracle-instantclient<VERSION>-basic-<VERSION>.x86_64.rpm


 ]# yum localinstall oracle-instantclient<VERSION>-sqlplus-<VERSION>.x86_64.rpm

Install cx_Oracle

You need to install cx_Oracle library through Python pip utility. Earlier in onepoint installation, you installed pip utility.

 ]# pip install cx_Oracle

Create Oracle Instance Asset

You need to create an OracleDB asset, whose name is <ADDRESS>::<SID>. Please, fill also the IPv4 field with server's IP address New Oracle DB asset