Installing Onepoint on CentOS 7

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Other Required Repositores

The following repositories are required for installing Onepoint. Please, make sure they're enabled once installed (property enabled=1 in the respective /etc/yum.repos.d/REPONAME.repo repository file)


First, make sure MariaDB - packages mariadb and mariadb-server - is installed on the system. If you want to use an external MariaDB database for the installation, this step is not required. You will need to create an empty database for installing Onepoint (for example, database onepoint)

 Tip: You shall make sure TCP/IP (bind-address) access is enabled for MariaDB / MySQL.

You also need to have a database created on MariaDB to host Onepoint. If you don't have one, you will need to create one. The default name is onepoint, but you can change it as you need, and then reflect the change in the database configuration part.

For creating the database, assuming the database name onepoint:

 mysql> create database onepoint;

Apache Web Server

You will need the Apache Web Server installed on the system for installing Onepoint You can install it running the following command:

 ]# yum install httpd


You will need PHP 7.2 or higher to install Onepoint. You'll need to install the following packages:

  • php72-php
  • php72-php-common
  • php72-php-bz2
  • php72-php-curl
  • php72-php-ldap
  • php72-php-gd
  • php72-php-gmp
  • php72-php-imap
  • php72-php-mbstring
  • php72-php-mcrypt
  • php72-php-soap
  • php72-php-mysqlnd
  • php72-php-xml
  • php72-php-zip
  • php72-php-json

You can install them running the following command (once Remi is installed):

 ]# yum install php72-php php72-php-common php72-php-bz2 php72-php-curl php72-php-ldap php72-php-gd php72-php-gmp php72-php-imap php72-php-mbstring php72-php-mcrypt php72-php-soap php72-php-mysqlnd php72-php-xml php72-php-zip php72-php-json


You will need Python 2.7. You'll need to install the following packages:

  • python
  • python-pip
  • python-requests
  • python-ldap
  • python-paramiko

You can install them running the following command:

 ]# yum install python-pip python-requests python-ldap python-paramiko

Other Libraries

You will need to install the following libraries:

You can install them running the following command:

 ]# yum install curl
    • libssh
    • json-c
    • json-cpp

You can install them running the following command:

 ]# yum install libssh json-c jsoncpp

Other tools

  • psutils
  • psmisc
  • telnet (Client)
  • SSH Server
  • SSH Client

You can install them running the following command:

 ]# yum install psutils psmisc telnet ssh

Install Onepoint

Install the repository for your operating system version below. After this, install the onepoint package, through yum:

 ]# yum install
 ]# yum install onepoint

Configure Database Parameters

Database parameters are on /usr/share/onepoint/onepoint/application/config/database.php. Use your favorite text editor to specify them.

Initialize Onepoint Database

Run the setup script, accessing http://<HOSTNAME>/onepoint/ui/setup.

Configuring Onepoint Worker Daemon

Onepoint Worker is on /usr/share/onepoint/onepoint-worker. To configure it, set the credentials in /usr/share/onepoint/onepoint-worker/cfg/config.json, and put the startup script in the root's crontab. Like this:

 @reboot /usr/share/onepoint/onepoint-worker/start-onepoint-worker-su-30

You can start the service manually using

 ]# /usr/share/onepoint/onepoint-worker/start-onepoint-worker-su

And you can stop the service manually using

 ]# /usr/share/onepoint/onepoint-worker/stop-onepoint-worker


Now, Onepoint is ready. You can access it on http://<HOSTNAME>/onepoint
